I'm on the left

I'm on the left
"me and my girls"

Monday, February 14, 2011

my creed

I am and have felt there is this much bigger purpose. So many people live in their little world, with their house, their kids, their jobs, their cars, their yards, etc...they live in a bubble. I on the other hand have always felt the complete opposite. Which can sometimes be a curse.I worry about too many things that are out of my control. But, the things I can control or contribute to I do I feel that as a human being lucky enough to live in this country you have an obligation to help others. You may not agree, but that is my creed. We are all ONE.We are all human beings. So, as a fellow human being I feel it is your responsibility to do your part to help change the world. Kindness to one another everyday is changing the world. Live outside your bubble...think outside your bubble...remember those that are so less fortunate.

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